Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bryce raises $1000 for the Movember Cause

First, I'd like to ask you to cue my accompanist by playing the link (thanks to Aloe Blacc for volunteering his time),
Thank you to everyone who donated so far.  Movember is a great cause.

To those of you haven't donated, please consider doing so.  This is a good cause, you get a tax receipt, and you get to see me wear a ridiculous looking moo-stache as well.  Everybody wins.

Below, you can see my progress so far.  Since we're still only in the Confederate range ($600) this is where I've started.  I've indicated the "soul patch" in case it's too hard to see.  I'm looking forward to shaving this back to the Creeper (once I reach $800) and then the Connoisseur ($1000, though the votes are ahead for the Creeper surprisingly) but I need your help.

Photo on 2010-11-12 at 12.08.jpg

As Aloe Blacc puts it, "I need your dollar.  I've shared my story now please share your dollar with me."  More accurately, Movember needs your dollars and you'll be sharing your dollars with researchers trying to take the next steps towards a cure.

All the best everybody, link to donate is below,


p.s. A few questions about the shirt I'm wearing in the pictures came up.  Moustaches aren't the only way to decorate your body with beauty.  This towel-lined short-sleeve Hawaiian shirt was a rare and beautiful find- I bought a safe for it.
Photo on 2010-11-12 at 12.31.jpg
Bryce Barker

PhD Student, Human Kinetics
University of Ottawa

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